Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Alcatel Handsets: Tips On How To Make A Great Impression For Your Business With Phone Manners

Practically all businesses need an effective phone system to support its operations. Many customers, with their busy schedules, choose to get their purchases or make their queries on the phone. This is why it’s necessary to train your receptionist to uphold proper business phone manners; it’s one of the many ways that you can create a great impression of the trademark of customer care your business upholds.

The manufacturers of Alcatel Handsets show essential tips on how to enhance your business with right phone etiquette.

1. Start with the correct greeting, which you do by telling the caller that they have come to your company. A simple hello, though it’s the telephone greeting most people are familiar with, would never work for a company. In fact, according to business experts only “shady” companies never pay attention to good phone greetings. For example, if your candy factory’s name is Sweet Delights, you can say, “Sweet Delights, Sugar speaking, good morning.” You can also instantly inform your customer your enthusiasm to be of service by saying, “Sweet Delights, Candy speaking, how may I help you?”

2. Pay attention to your voice. This has nothing to do with voice classification, but more with the mood that your voice evokes. Your phone callers may not see you, but they can easily determine if you don't like what you’re doing or you’re becoming too relaxing to reply to any of their questions or are simply bored. Customers quickly get turned off with this and would often complain. They even quickly be uncertain whether you can actually be of help to them and this will profit your business in no way.

3. If you have to place your caller on hold, time it. Phone callers are annoyed by being made to wait for a really long time; if you inform them to hold on for a few moments, do not make them wait two minutes. If the individual they are trying to reach remains unavailable for a long period, make sure to inform them and give them two options: wait a bit more or call back again another time.

4. Lastly, respond to questions that you are fully knowledgeable of, particularly regarding services and products. If there are particulars that you are not trained to tell callers, connect them to the one who can supply the details they are seeking.

Infiniti Telecommunications offers you more than just phone system but helps you to have a good impression for your business.

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